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Piece by Piece is an upcoming animated biographical musical film directed by Morgan Neville. It tells the story of the life of American musician Pharrell Williams in the style of Lego animation, making it the fifth theatrical Lego film and the first following the end of Warner Bros. Pictures' run of the film series. Williams was not interested in making a "traditional" biopic, but rather convey the story in a more imaginative way and genre-defining, where audiences would immerse in a world where the possibilities are endless.
Edited by: Oscar Vazquez, Jason Zeldes ACE, and Aaron Wickenden ACE
Coming to theaters in Oct 11th 2024
For more info click here.
Piece by Piece is an upcoming animated biographical musical film directed by Morgan Neville. It tells the story of the life of American musician Pharrell Williams in the style of Lego animation, making it the fifth theatrical Lego film and the first following the end of Warner Bros. Pictures' run of the film series. Williams was not interested in making a "traditional" biopic, but rather convey the story in a more imaginative way and genre-defining, where audiences would immerse in a world where the possibilities are endless.
Edited by: Oscar Vazquez, Jason Zeldes ACE, and Aaron Wickenden ACE
Coming to theaters in Oct 11th 2024
For more info click here.
PIECE BY PIECE - Official Trailer [HD] - Only In Theaters October 11